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Thank You Harding Voters!

Harding Friends,

After a few weeks of vote counting in Morris County, we are happy to announce that the votes were certified, and Harding has overwhelmingly voted for our re-election and election to Harding Township Committee. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to continuing to serve you and our beautiful town. 

We would also like to thank our campaign volunteers and contributors who made our success possible, and all of those in our community who reached out to us to express thanks, support, and appreciation for our candidacies.  To all of the candidates who ran in this election, we thank you for participating in the democratic process. Finally, we are also thankful to all of the voters who embraced the vote-by-mail mandate, and all else that 2020 has thrown at us, and cast early votes in an effort to help our Board of Elections with the daunting task of processing the paper ballots.  

In the upcoming months, we will continue to support and work with our Harding first responders to combat the pandemic and ensure that they have all that they require to serve Harding as we await a vaccine. Help with Harding also remains active to support anyone in need of assistance. We look forward to the days when our full community can again gather together as one.  We wish Harding's soon to be centenarian, Walter Ness, the happiest 100th birthday, tomorrow, November 24th, and we look forward to the year-long, town-wide celebration of Harding's 100th birthday in 2022!!  

Chris & Rita


Full Morris County Election Results at:

Committee for Yates and Chipperson
11 Fawn Hill Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960
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