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NJ Bill A4/S50 Affordable Housing Legislation - Help Slow this Bill Down!!

Dear Harding Friends, I am writing to bring your attention to NJ's new affordable housing bill A4/S50 entitledReforms municipal responsibilities concerning provision of affordable housing; abolishes COAH; appropriates $16 million. Among other things, Bill A-4/S50 seeks to abolish the Council on Affordable Housing and replace it with a new process in which the NJ Department of Community Affairs would take on a major role in the allocation of affordable housing requirements to NJ municipalities. This bill is progressing very quickly along partisan lines despite the bi-partisan opposition to the bill in its current form. Our town attorney, Mike Edwards, has prepared a baker's dozen list of the minimal glaring items wrong with this bill (see link below). Our goal at this point is to slow down this bill long enough to allow significant amendments to be made so that we can avoid the negative effects this bill will have on Harding and other NJ municipalities. Along these lines, we ask that you reach out to your State Assemblypeople and Senators and voice your objection to bill A4/S50 in its current form. If you would like to learn more about A4/S50, please attend the Meet the Mayor event, this Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7 p.m. at Kirby Hall. It is sure to be a hot topic of conversation! Or please reach out to me at the number below. Best, Rita Chipperson Harding Township Committee (cell) 201-919-8098

Committee for Yates and Chipperson
11 Fawn Hill Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960
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